How Xerox Partner Print Services Helped Transform (and save) Punto Doc

In this episode of our success with managed print services videos we hear from Alessio Tarantino CEO, and Ilaria Bonalumi, Sales Manager from Punto Doc. A gold level Xerox Concessionaire, Punto Doc are based in the city of Verona, Italy.

In the video below, they share how they have successfully transitioned from selling hardware that is focused on price, to selling services that are focused on customer value – all by using Xerox Partner Print Services to provide a managed print services solution for their clients.

Watch the video below or read on for a full transcript:

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Video Transcription

Alessia Tarantino (AT)

Punto Doc started trading as a Xerox dealer in Verona 15 years ago. The company has been growing for 15 years. Now we’re a gold partner and we’re one of the biggest and best Xerox dealers in Italy.

When Punto Doc just offered basic Xerox services, we missed a lot of business opportunities,
even with our existing clients. But, most importantly, we didn’t manage to approach bigger clients
with more complex negotiations and much more aggressive competition.

When Punto Doc decided to include managed print services in its portfolio, this was the start of a very important change for us.

We now use a consulting approach, analysing clients’ workflow and offering solutions to improve efficiency and provide significant savings. As a result, we have found clients who are very interested in our proposals, and our proposals have also become a lot more professional.

Ilaria Bonalumi (IB)

Clients see Punto Doc as a very strong company with plenty of valuable experience. This is because thanks to Xerox Partner Print Services we’re able to discuss and present the solutions and projects which have been implemented in our clients’ firms


Clients who have adopted Punto Doc’s solutions, and now use Xerox managed print services, have seen great improvements in the efficiency of their processes.

As a result of Xerox Partner Print Services, there has been a massive improvement in relationships between clients and Punto Doc. We can now talk about proper partnerships, which will enable us to grow our business over time, continually implementing new services and solutions for clients.

Before the introduction of managed print services, Punto Doc was restricted to offering hardware services to clients whose main concern was price. Now the sales cycle has completely changed.

We start with a structured analysis involving both our analysts and the client’s, and this leads in turn to us presenting an offer which can produce cost savings and operational improvements for the client.


Selling hardware without the support of a service doesn’t bring added value. Punto Doc is all about selling solutions and services in order to bring added value.


Had we not started offering solutions, we would have most likely closed down this business and moved elsewhere to look for another source of income. approaching sales as solutions and services has been the key to staying in business.

For that reason, I would tell people who have found it hard to stay afloat during the crisis, as well as lucky ones who haven’t had any trouble, that this is the business area that can definitely give us the power to stay in business and grow.

Transform your business with Xerox Partner Print Services

I think that this is a great example of how a Xerox channel partner went from struggling to see where growth would come from – into a services and solutions business by helping their clients develop innovative workflows and taking a services-led approach.

If you want to learn more about becoming a Xerox channel partner and using Xerox Partner Print Services to build your managed print services practice, take a look at the Xerox Global Partner Program today – together we can do amazing things for your clients.

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  1. […] in March, I posted an article about Punto doc on how Xerox Partner Print Services helped transform Punto Doc. This told the story of how Punto Doc successfully transformed into a services and solutions […]

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