Putting Your Xerox Partner Manager to Work for You

If you refer to them as your Xerox Rep, then define “rep” as “resource!”

Stories of vendor reps who are little more than the “pipeline police” are legendary, but they are the shortsighted few. Your Xerox Partner Manager takes you and your business every bit as seriously as you do. Here’s how to help them make sure that you get as much out of your relationship with them and with Xerox as you possibly can.

Put the Emphasis on “Manager”

As a manager, you know that everything you do must be focused on getting everyone who works for you to do as much as they can, as well as they can, to increase your company’s bottom line profitability. You own that number.

You also know that simply pounding everyone over the head about that number is not going to make it magically appear. You need to focus on the activities, the resources, and the basic hard work that goes into understanding customer’s needs and developing solutions that fulfill them.

The same is true for your Xerox Partner Manager. They are one of the people who work for you, and their job is to manage the activities, the resources, and the basic hard work that Xerox contributes to your effort to manage and build your business.

The fact is that you don’t need someone to “represent” Xerox and Xerox products to you. You’re a partner. You already know more than any rep would tell you. So what should your Xerox Partner Manager to be managing for you?

Growing Sales

The most important function of the partner manager is to help you grow your business by generating new revenue. Look to your partner manager for help and guidance in pipeline creation, including lead generation, prospecting tools and campaigns, and more. Your partner manager is also available to partner with you on joint sales calls. Nothing impresses a customer more than having a vendor representative visit them with you.


Probably not the first thing you thought you’d hear, but this may be the most important function your partner managers manages for you. Xerox publishes a tremendous amount of great information all the time. So much so that it becomes difficult, if not impossible, to consume all of it. So don’t.

Depend upon your partner manager to filter out everything except that which benefits your business. Let them make sure that you’re focused on the initiatives, the programs, and the products that benefit you and your customers most.

Partner Resources

Xerox is a large, resourceful partner. You may not be aware of all of the resources that are available to you. Did you know that Xerox helps channel partners develop business plans specific to their business? You won’t find a one size fits all approach here, because every business has its own unique needs. That’s why your partner manager is prepared to customize a business plan to fit your business, and help you not only succeed, but grow.

Challenge your partner manager. Let them facilitate your access to the resources you want to take advantage of, thereby removing your resistance to taking the time to obtain them. Let your partner manager make it as easy as possible for you to participate in the programs that appeal to you, and leverage the Xerox resources that can best benefit your installed base, such as MPS consultants, production and Inkjet specialists, app developers and experts, delivery of personalized demonstrations online, and more.

Share your ideas, your innovations with your Xerox Partner Manager. Ask them to identify resources that would enhance your ability to realize your vision. Make them an active participant in the management of your success.


You’ve already seen how many of your colleagues have developed solutions that your customers would benefit from. Turn to your partner manager for help locating and contacting those other Xerox Partners whose products you’d like to profit from selling. Partner-to-Partner partnering can be a road to new revenues that requires little or no investment on your part.

Planning for the Future

Xerox brings a proud history of constant innovation. It’s important for you to keep the future in mind, and have your Xerox Partner Manager challenge you to innovate new solutions of your own.

For example, as you start selling partner apps, you may identify the need for new apps. Your partner manager can help you obtain the training and other resources required for you to develop them yourself! You can also turn to your partner manager for similar resources to help you develop new Managed Print Services and production services to deliver.

Have your Xerox Partner Manager help you create your own Readiness Roadmap so that you can take advantage of the next new product introduction as early as possible and reap the rewards of being the early adopter.

Leverage this by keeping your customers tantalized with glimpses of what’s coming in the near future from Xerox. Introduce your Xerox Partner Manager and make your customers feel special with the attention they are receiving from one of the most venerable manufacturers in the IT industry. They’ll show their appreciation with early purchases of each new introduction. Create leaders among your customer base.

Ask Your Xerox Partner Manager

Each partner manager has their own great ideas about how they can help you build a better business and enjoy greater success. They are each rewarded for their successes in helping you succeed.

The best place to start is with your Xerox Partner Manager themselves. Schedule a time to sit and discuss the future. Talk about how you want to work with them, what you expect from them, what they need from you, and how you can work together to build mutual success.

Consider your Xerox Partner Manager a part of your Management Team and reap the rewards of doing so.


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